About Me

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Gracie Gray is a single,over 40 woman who is blessed with beauty, brains and a sarcastic sense of humour. Gracie wants her readers to know she does not like cats!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Beverley Hills Housewives and the Bachelor, America is so Lost

Oh God, I am watching Housewives of Beverley Hills and I have to say I was really feeling sorry for these women.  Between Kim's obvious drug and alcohol problem to the women's steadfast vile bickering you just can't help but have pity on these empty bobo's.  But then I think, why should I spend any time feeling sorry for these rich nasty bitches when I Gracie Grace, nice as southern apple pie, if apple pie could qualify for being southern, is living the life of pure poverty and mid life belly crisis. How dare we even shed a tear for these goober boobs.  I am amazed at how much nastiness can thrive inside of one lithe female body. Anyway. Who cares. This is what America thrives on.  On the other hand we have the premiere of the Bachelor staring Mark Twain. I mean what the hell is that? I was such a fan of The Bachelor and for the first time in history since its debut in 2001 I turned the channel.  Either my hormones have left the building or Ben Flajnik is just that, a big ball of flatulence

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Facebook and the Little Pink Martini

For years I held off on joining the illustrious Facebook.  I had a brief stint on My Space years ago but that was to show off my explicit talent on web decorating and song choices.  Facebook scared the crap out of me because it was a venue for followers, or members to let the whole world know their every move.  Now you have such features where you can check yourself into locations.  Why would I want to people to know what I do, where I am and who I am with every minute of the day.  If I was a mother or father what would trigger me to share photos with strangers, I mean "Friends" of my young children or new baby. Truthfully I don't think members think of Facebook as the enemy. But in reality it is.   If truth be told Facebook is a way to voyeuristically share your good fortune, hot body, money, big home, political positions, and at times a way to reach out.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve and Esmeralda and Mr. Smarkles

Tonight is New Year's Eve.  Who cares.  I really don't care much for celebrations that require downing an extraordinary amount of alcohol till the wee hours of the morning and ruining a full next day by throwing oneself onto the toilet seat of some stranger who you met in a crowded bar.  I have never had a New Year's date.  Well, I can't say never.  It just has been a very long time. Last year I spent my New Years watching the BRAVO channel, live with that deliciously funny host Andy Cohen and the  dysfunctional yet glaringly rich Housewives. Oh what a treat that was. This year I am saddened that there is no Andy Cohen, there is no Housewives, except for reruns and there is no Jay Leno.  I don't care for Lettermen he is too liberal for my taste.