There is no doubt as we age, we develop this thing called anxiety. All of a sudden we begin to fear the inevitable. With the demise of the economy and lack of fluid income we single women have no one to depend on but our selves. Sure there are those that have mom and dad. And if you think that ends at 20, you are wrong. I know plenty of single women over 40 women who get thousands and thousands of dollars from their family members and live off trust funds. Or they are divorced and live off their settlement. It sucks to have never married because your parents all but disown you because your the black sheep. "Yeah Gracie she just hasn't found the right one, I have no idea what the hell she is looking for, but I can tell you know one is looking for her." Thanks Mom. Everybody sorta loses faith in you. Employers look at you like something is wrong. "Hmmm no children, no marriage so let me see." No asshole I am not gay. Although I love gay people I just don't sleep with them.
Some people have visions of sugar plum fairies dancing in their heads. I have nightmares of homeless people stealing my Manolo Blahnik shoes and using them for firewood in a back alley. Lesson 52: Money is very important, it is life changing, it can make or break your world. Having your health is over rated. Let's face it, you get older you will have issues now matter how much you take care of yourself. When women hit menopause they can expect all kinds of lovely surprises. Shit, I am bloated, crap I am bleeding, ugh my breasts hurt, I am hot and it 50 degrees, I am cold and its 90 degrees, is that my hair in the bathtub drain. Well get ready. I think I have cancer, ovarian, breast, uterine, cervical, stomach. Maybe it is my gall bladder. Does this sound familiar. And with over thousands in co pays in scans, mri's and blood tests you sit there scratching your head thinking the next thing you need is a brain scan. But it isn't until you read the signs and symptoms of anxiety that your realize that you have become a victim of your own self. See, what happens when you are alone, is you lay in bed, googling every possible symptom relating to your overactive mind disease trying to figure out what physical disease you have.
In the meantime you come to a resolution. If you only had enough money to live, pay the bills and go on a nice vacation so as not to spend every waking moment figuring out what disease you have. Better going to some rockin island or cruise meet some hunk with a body that won;t quit, get drunk, get laid and then come home a worry about the real possibilities of having a real disease. Unless your hunk wheres Manolo Blahnik, you may be in some for real surprises.
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